Group Policy
- We are a PRIVATE group of MEN & WOMEN.
- We are non-combatant, non-belligerent while acting in peace, honour & respect.
- We are of no threat to any government, state or corporation.
- We do not give legal or financial advice. This is information only. You should always do your own due diligence.
- This information is PIVATE & mostly someone’s intellectual property. It is intended for the use of this private group only.
If your intentions are not in line with our ethos… this group is not for you & we wish you well. - The Notices / Letters Templates are to be used as guidelines only. We would ask that you put your own energy into your own documents.
- Please respect the views & privacy of your fellow members.
- When using the Chat Forum we would ask that you don’t post any fear porn or negativity. We are a solutions based group and focus our time & energy on positive thinking & developing solutions.
- The administration team hold the right to delete a member if we deem it necessary to do so.